Relevance of rewarding relationships
The age old adage ‘blood is thicker than water’ doesn not hold true as it once did. Its meaning and form have indeed diluted.
This merely proves how the complexion of relationships have changed over a period of time. Regardless of whether a
relationship is blood or otherwise, it goes through its own course of ups and downs, highs and lows, sweetness and bitterness, so on and so forth.
The term ‘relationships’ can have so many connotations. Relationships can be infinite. And it has become increasingly difficult to nurture our own relationships.Partners dont get along with each other despite being in a relationship, married couples find it hard to remain committed, siblings can’t see eye to eye,parents and children have problems with one another, friendships dont last as it once used to. Whom do we blame for this change?
As much as people play the blame game, nitpick on others and hold them responsible for their troubled relationships, no one actually blames him/herself
to the cause of the failure.
Have you ever realized that people seldom have problems at their work place? Despite the differences, cordial relations are usually maintained.
The primary reason for this is that we are often trained to behave in a particular fashion in an organization. There are so many human resource theories
endorsing the same. As a thumbrule, it becomes imperative to get along at work.Students of management and organizational behaviour are imparted
specialized training to become ‘people friendly’. Now, the question is, why can’t the same be applied to our personal relationships? If individuals
are taught the techniques to deal effectively with their relationships, the rate and frequency of conflicts would go down drastically. People will be able
to handle their relationships beautifully. Differences are inevitable. But with proper training and insight, it can become a second nature to cope, adjust
and adapt to the changing cycle of a relationship.
Since there is no formal training available to deal with one’s personal relationships, help can be sought through a qualified psychologist or a counselor.
Often people resort to psychiatrists and clinical psychologists for their personal issues. A big misconception of people is at play here. First and foremost
they don’t realize the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist. A psychiatrist is a person with a background in medicine. A psychologist is
a qualified person who studies the human behaviour. The field of psychology is vast and its scope wide. A clinical psychologist can only help in a limited
way. Since the nature of relationships can not always be treated in a clinical way, it becomes very essential to get help from a person specialized in
relationships, life coaching, mentoring etc.
The stigma attached to people seeing a psychiatrist or a psychologist has waned like in the West. More and more people are becoming aware of their
mental/behavioural problems at hand. A society with people who are not just physically healthy, but also mentally fit can work wonders for their
overall growth and betterment. Relationships have an intrinsic role to play in this. Happy and fulfilling relationships can have a cascading effect
on all the other aspects of our life. Hence the importance and relevance of relationships should never be undermined. Although people tend to
underestimate the significance of a healthy relationship, there are a lot of principles which postulate the substance of a wholesome relationship.
Any relationship, big or small, close or distant has its share of benefits to our self worth.