Myths you can ditch when you get hitched…
Myths and misconceptions can ruin a beautiful relationship. Clichéd thinking in terms of certain specific patterns, which dictate behavioural and emotional responses, can create unnecessary relationship distress. There are quite a few delusions we all have as human beings, especially about the way we function in a marriage or a relationship. These could be attributed to some past experiences, mere hearsay or maybe a result of our conditioned thinking. Whatever be the responsible factors, it does lead to some distorted thinking, which in turn hampers a wonderful relationship otherwise. While to list down all would be a difficult proposition, summarizing a few basic ones is feasible. Hope the logic behind these would help you stop believing in these misconstructions and witness your relationship go through a phenomenal change.
First and foremost, the belief that just because you are in love, in a relationship, living-in or married doesn’t mean you do everything together. The sole reason to intimately get together with another person is to live a life together. But that doesn’t mean you forget yourself as an individual in the process. Hanging out with other friends or even indulging in some ‘me-time’ would do more good than harm. We as human-beings learn and imbibe so much by interacting with other people. When that is stopped and the partner becomes the only focus, the horizon gets narrowed due to limited exposure. It can be stifling to breathe down each other’s neck all the time.
Another myth which drives most couples to some disturbance at some point in their relationship is that sex should happen regularly and frequently. Of course, a healthy sex life is very essential for your relationship, but not at the cost of stressing yourself out. There can be constrains – physical and mental sometimes. Sweating over it would only frustrate you more. When such stressors are at play, the best thing to do would be to schedule a sex date.
Children come first is the biggest myth most couples, especially mothers believe in and act accordingly. It is very normal to prioritize your kids when they are infants and toddlers. Its natural to be not able to give as much time or attention to one’s spouse. But at least taking out some time to just be with him/her can do wonders to your relationship. Maybe watching some movie or television programme together when the baby is asleep or just indulging in a silly conversation with each other, reminiscing your days prior to the baby’s arrival would be so good. Make the most of the situation when it becomes inevitable to be homebound because of the baby. One of the reasons most couples drift apart on becoming parents is that they have failed to remain connected in that critical phase.
Last but not the least, never go to bed angry doesn’t always work. Sometimes prudence lies in not making up immediately after an argument. Sleeping over something can help you get a better perspective on the issue. It gives you time to mull over it. Getting some space after a conflict is recommended. Most of the times, the topic over which the argument happens is trivial. Ignoring it and going to sleep is another best formula to forget about it the next morning. Talking about it by trying to make up instantly can only add fuel to the fire. After all next day is another day.
Unfold the myth to unfold the magic your relationship holds!!!