How about adding some brightness to your life this Diwali?
There’s something about Diwali!! So vibrant and colourful. The brightness it brings along illuminates everyone and everything. The time of the year to clean up and declutter. While we go out of our way to clean up our homes and offices weeks before Diwali, do we ever do anything to clean up our minds or rather declutter our minds? Diwali teaches us to let go – to let go of all the negativity, only to engulf ourselves in all the positivity, improving our relationships and life in general.
If we consciously focus on a few things which we should never hold on to, our mind will become much less complex and easier to deal with. First and foremost, we should all give up the need to control others. It never helps beyond self-gratification. Grudges should be completely abandoned. It only creates negativity in us. Feelings of jealousy manifests in all kinds of negative behaviour affecting us and our closed ones. There should be no room for jealously. Someone will always be better than us. Feeding jealousy is like adding fuel to the fire. Feeling sorry for ourselves is a futile exercise. No self-sympathy can change any challenging situation. Instead facing it boldly can be a game changer. Again, blaming others for our mistakes is a sign of weakness. People who have no self-confidence and low self-esteem will play the blame game. Over analysing situations can wreak havoc in an otherwise sound mind. Certain things should only be taken at face value. Delving deep into something unnecessarily can spoil the situation further. We should always let go of friends who aren’t there for us. Period. No justification required. We should never be afraid to be our self. Diluting the inherent us and our basic traits can be mentally exhausting. Never compromise on being who you really are unless you are changing yourself for the better. Worrying about what others think can be depleting in terms of time and energy. It can breed constant negativity and unpleasantness in and around us. Fear of failure should never rule us. It’s always prudent to do our task without thinking about the fruits it yields. Last but not the least – never hesitate to indulge. We all have a right to guilt free indulges occasionally.
Letting go will lead to a lighter and brighter you. Happy Diwali!!