Emotional Quotient – a relationship game-changer

The role of Emotional Quotient (EQ) has been firmly established. It has been proved after decades of research that EQ is ‘that’ critical factor which sets successful people apart. It is ‘the’ parameter for an effective life – personal or professional.

Although EQ is intangible, the way in which we manage our behaviour, relationships and decision making, can reflect the level of our EQ. Unfortunately, there aren’t very many tests to measure EQ unlike IQ because of its intangible nature. However, there are certain characteristics of people with high EQ. A low down on these can help one understand how relationships and EQ are correlated.

Vast emotional vocabulary is a sign of high Emotional Intelligence. A person with high EQ can express and understand varied emotions. This can help foster a strong relationship, since emotions are the basis of all relationships, particularly intimate ones. EQ gives an insight into how one feels, what triggers the feeling and how to respond rather than react to the triggered feelings –  a guaranteed relationship facilitator.

People with high EQ are very adaptable and are open to any change. Their flexibility helps them in their relationships since it gets rid of any rigidity and closemindedness.

This is my favourite characteristic. I have experienced that people with high EQ are very difficult to offend. They are unruffled by things thanks to their self-confidence. Their sense of humour helps them take a situation lightly. No seriousness at play. So, when things are not taken personally – the art of taking everything in one’s stride is always a boon for any relationship. But at the same time, they can discriminate humour from degradation.

Self-control is another quality which distinguishes a highly emotionally intelligent person from the rest. Such a person believes in delayed gratification if required and impulsive avoidance. This can go a long way in dealing with all kinds of relationships. Patience is a form of this characteristic. Couples who exercise self-control and patience are always doing great in their intimate space.

High EQ also means that one doesn’t seek perfection all the time. One realizes that imperfection is real and that perfection is a myth which never exists. With such a mindset, its always easier to accept one’s partner and focus on the positives rather than the negatives.

Emotionally Intelligent people are content with what they have rather than what they don’t. Gratitude is ingrained for they always count their blessings. This attitude makes two people in a relationship grateful for each other.

This one may sound a little off track but people with high EQ can easily disconnect. They realize the importance of taking out time for themselves. Whether at work or in a relationship, they don’t make themselves available 24×7 since that’s a sure way of inducing stress. To have a stress-free relationship it becomes imperative to regularly breakaway for some time.

Negativity is nipped in the bud since it can breed toxic thoughts which in turn can lead to adverse actions or reactions. Emotionally Intelligent people will always focus on the brighter side. A tendency which works very well personally and otherwise.

Last but not the least, people with high EQ are never dependent on external factors for their happiness. They never make the source of their happiness anything but themselves. With this approach, two people in love are never insecure, possessive or jealous as far as their relationship goes.

Intelligence Quotient can be genetic, but EQ can certainly be developed. All one needs to do is imbibe the aforesaid traits and practise them. After all, high EQ is responsible for our Relationship Quotient.