Match making in an online world
How does one compare the success ratio of love vis a vis an arranged marriage? A difficult proposition indeed! Although the ‘kind’ of marriage has nothing to do with its success, the number of avenues open for people to access potential/prospective alliance these days is astounding. Conventionally arranged marriages worked through families and friends – introducing a prospective bride/groom to the family concerned. Still a common practice, it’s no longer the only method. With joint families on the decline and nuclear families on the rise, the nature of arranged marriages have altered. Again, more openness and acceptance towards inter-caste marriages have changed the meaning of these kind of marriages.
Newspapers were pioneers in publishing matrimonial advertisements. Along with the print media, thanks to the advent of the internet, matrimony sites have become a very effective means for candidates seeking matrimonial alliances. Its abundance in terms of choices and information is almost limitless. As the biggest marriage portal in the world proclaims, it’s something as simple as this: Matrimony Indian Matrimonials – Ready for Marriage? Create Your Matrimonial Profile to find Suitable Indian Brides, NRI Grooms and find your Perfect Match only on!
It is easy and instant. With no boundary restrictions of the globe, people can access database from all over the world. Merely proves how the dynamics of marriages have changed and evolved over the years…