You can neither undo your past, nor let it haunt your present....

Sagarika Shah

Psychologist & Relationship Therapist

Sagarika Shah

Her M.A, in Psychology and MBA in Human Resources have given her a rare insight into the human behaviour. Trained at Tavistock Centre for Relationships, London, U.K., she effectively helps individuals and couples by supporting them to catalyze higher levels of self-mastery and foster deeper and more meaningful connections in their relationships. Continuous interaction, liaison and consultation with her European counterparts help her remain current in her field.

While counseling children and young adults is her forte, her ultimate reward is the contentment that follows. Using a range of therapies, her counseling involves a neutral and non-judgmental approach, ideally conducive to generate a balanced assessment and treatment to a problem. Her work has focussed primarily on developing and understanding interventions for people with all kinds of behavioural problems, personal or professional.

How May I Help You?

Specialties: Relationships and couple therapy, child development and counseling, organizational behaviour (OB)


Individual therapy

Seek to assess, interpret and evaluate thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviour - short-term to chronic difficulties and disorder.


Couples therapy

Couples therapy (also couples' counseling, marriage counseling, or marriage therapy) attempts to improve romantic relationships and resolve interpersonal conflicts.



Delivery of effective therapy through private and secure room ensuring complete confidentiality.

Life Coach

Tarun Bulchandani

A unique convergence of human and technological/technical expertise, he attributes his success to a sound foundation and grounding in his diverse background in academics. His proficiency in dealing with human skills has given him a range of understanding and vision for humanity that take individuals to a profound level of knowing themselves.

He focuses on generating a mindset by maximizing a person’s creative self worth in unprecedented ways. By supporting individual goal setting, personal growth and behaviour modification, he strives for solutions that might edge out important aspects of oneself. Having worked on several platforms and areas for a decade and a half, his practical knowledge and understanding make him a captivating speaker, always ready to share and impart his rich knowledge. Having lived in four different countries across two continents has changed the way he views the world. It has given him an insight into various cultures – an exposure ideal for life coaching…

How May I Help You?

Specialties: Leadership coaching, Executive coaching, designing and delivering life changing models, Marriage and relationships.


Executive Coaching

Gain self-awareness, clarify goals, achieve their development objectives, unlock their potential, and act as a sounding board.


Wellness Coaching

Facilitate sustainable behavioural change by shining light on your unique skills, strengths, and resources, and helping you transform dreams and desires into achievable goals through effective action.


Life Coaching

Helping you identify and achieve personal goals through developing skills and attitudes that lead to self-empowerment.